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Help Us Build Community By Donating Today!
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Steaks4Sheepdogs honors America’s first responders on a zero cost-basis for them and their families. Please consider helping today.
Volunteer hours served in 2018.
Steaks cooked since 2016
All profits towards building community
How You Can Help

We would love for you or your company to be the title sponsor of the steaks for one of our events.

We always needs boots on the ground. Are you good at grilling? Serving? Decorating? We need you.
Money makes the world go ’round and that’s the case with Steaks4Sheepdogs. Anything you contribute helps amazing people.

Do you have a special skill? Are you a celebrity willing to stand-up for our hero’s? Sign up today!

Our Mission
To help secure a community of support and honor for those who protect and serve America for a living.
Support through appreciation
America is the best country in the history of the world.
We are all one people. Don’t be led astray by fringe elements. We are one nation, indivisible. We embrace that and we show our appreciation.
One day to be honored
“I can live for two months on a good compliment.” – Mark Twain.
Giving is the best thing to heal your soul…please consider helping us help others.

31,000 Meals
Makes an Impact
If folks you’ve never met before made you a steak dinner with all the great American side dishes just because they thought you deserved it, how would that make you feel?
Make A Real Change In Someone’s Life
All we are doing is saying “Thank You” for the hours of sacrifice, but it makes a lifelong impact. They’re on-call for you 24/7 – 365. They never ask for anything. Please let them know you care.

Try Our Gourmet Coffee

Help Us Fund Our Events
10-8 in the “In-Service” radio call for all first responders and now it’s the name of our freshly roasted coffee. It’s professionally blended and roasted for us by Heroes Coffee in Bentonville, Arkansas.

Upcoming events. Due to the COVID restrictions, many events have been curtailed in 2020. If you would like to organize one, please contact Steaks4Sheepdogs.org

Springfield, Missouri
Check out the great event we had in Springfield, MO back in September as we honored hundreds of LEO’s and their families.

Pine Bluff, Arkansas
Here’s a great example of American community working to serve those who serve us every day of our lives. America is a great place because of its people.

Tulsa, Oklahoma
The great dispatchers of the city of Tulsa were honored with a professionally prepared steak dinner, complete with all sides and drinks.

Donate Today or Get Involved